There are Puritan references. I hate books with Puritan references, but it is much more esteemed. I reference The Salem Witch Trials. Elizabeth Hubbard was one of the main finger pointers in that and Mrs. Hubbard (in the story) is her daughter.
I also make a reference to one of those stupid books about Puritan New England or about how crazy the beliefs of the colonists were (not life, liberty and pursuit of happiness more like ghosts, witches and headless horsemen). This one is a lot less stupid, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". I read it over the summer and it is referenced quite clearly. I will explain most of the story later on, but right now, all you need to know is "The cognomen of Crane was not inapplicable to his
person. He was tall, but exceedingly lank, with narrow shoulders, long arms and
legs, hands that dangled a mile out of his sleeves, feet that might have served
for shovels, and his whole frame most loosely hung together." and he has "long snipe nose, so that it looked like a weather-cock
perched upon his spindle neck to tell which way the wind blew." A weather cock is that thing that spins to tell which way the wind is going, like in Mary Poppins.
There is a gay character, Valentin, who is perfectly fine. He has a boyfriend, Harrison, who he falls for in this chapter. It is okay. Don't lose your head.
I think that is it.
<3 HRT
Okay, so HRT is my pen name/ logo. And basically, it is my initals in a heart. The only reason I am doing a blog is so I can get my writing out here. I normally write romances and sci-fi stuff.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Chapter 1: Charlotte
It was the typical
new school year at Salem Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The oddity was in
the title, because of the fact we were nowhere near Salem, Massachusetts. Our
school was founded on a small private island off of the coast of Alaska. It was
just big enough to hold the dorms and the school, and still have enough space
for a lovely beach.
My name is
Charlotte and I attend school there with my very openly gay brother, Valentin.
His name is pronounced Val-en-tin, the most Americanized way of saying it. Some
say our family should be shot for butchering such beautiful French names, I
just say it would have been much harder to keep telling people “My name isn’t
Sh-are-lit, you idiot! It is Sh-are-LOT!” Valentin did not believe in the same
thing my parents did, because against all odds, everyone had to call him
Val-awn-tawn. The French pronunciation was just so much more his style,
refined, stylish and annoying.
I always stuck out
anywhere I went. I was like the opposite of a chameleon, I always stuck out. It
wasn’t because I was related to the world’s biggest attention hog, since
Valentin was my only friend. I would hide behind my mom and even Valentin so I
didn’t have to meet anyone. My shyness became my downfall. I came off as
secretive and became the butt end of many a rumor. They thought I was mean,
just because they kept asking stupid questions and aggravated me. They called
me names, and fat was the most frequent. I was a little overweight. My height
helped the appearance of my weight. One does not make a social life by
practicing spells or math.
I love spell
casting, all it requires is focus and a couplet. For example, the one to open
my locker in the morning I have to say “Open, open magic lock/ I have to be in
class at nine o’ clock” The reason for casting the spell is the second line,
the first being the command. Spells like to know you aren’t just playing around
with them, like most things in life.
I could beat anybody
in any academic field though, except physics, which in my defense is a joke. If
I were going to use physics in real life, I could not go fly a broom in Broom
Flying I in my sixth period. I could not cut diamonds just by thoughts. If I
needed to use the original ideas of these I also wouldn’t sit and draw out a
vector for it. I was contemplating this in my physics class.
Mr. Mark’s job was
almost like when my Witchcraft III teacher, Mrs. Hubbard had to tell witches
were real to Puritans. Mr. Mark also had no control of the class.
Someone chucked a
paper ball at me, which caught me out of my stupor of thought. In the process,
I noticed someone new in the back of the class.
He was skinny and
even sitting down I could tell he was quite tall. He had black hair and
piercing light blue eyes. His eyes were a cold color, yet had a warmness of
personality in them. His nose was fairly large, but with small nostrils (I
didn’t really know his nostril size until we talked). His nose turned down at
the tip a little. He reminded me a bit of Ichabod Crane in an oddly cute way.
The tall, lankiness he possesses and the way his nose bent reminded me of
Washington Irving’s classic character.
It was not what he
looked like that really made me want to know him. It was some sort of spark in
my heart. I think it was what we talked about in Magic Attraction, when we
weren’t talking about if werewolves and vampires could have kids and if that
were to happen what their offspring would be called. It is something close to a
health class for humans. Every wizard or witch has a match and when a wizard or
witch finds his or her match, the two feel a spark, even if the two are not
romantically intertwined. Normally it is romantic, but a couple companions
found their match in their best friend. That spark just means is that your life
is intertwined with the other person’s and the two of you will do projects and
live together eventually.
I was pretty sure
that was true of he and I, and I didn’t even know his name. For all I knew, I just
liked him because he is tall. I probably liked him for his eyes. Maybe I just
liked him because of his resemblance to the main character in “The Legend of
Sleepy Hollow”, Ichabod Crane.
Valentin nudged me
“Charlotte, pay attention. You’ll never
learn vectors like this.” He whispered in my ear.
After two periods,
we had lunch. I still sat with Valentin, since I had no other friends and I
wouldn’t want to sit alone. I still felt lame next to my brother. After three
years at the same school and another about eleven in the system itself, I had
never made a friend, other than my brother, who doesn’t count.
“Char, I just met
the most amazing guy in my first
period!” Valentin exclaimed. “I got the spark!”
Val practically
died when a kid named Harrison Phoenix walked to our table. “Hey Valentin.”
Harrison told Val.
Valentin exclaimed,
“Harrison, I think you are hotter than the Sahara.”
“Great, because
the world needs a new awesome gay couple.” Harrison responded. The two just
flirted and kissed the entire lunch period. By the end, Harrison was calling
Valentin Valentine.
I just ate my
sandwich and listened to Chicago, also known as my favorite band. Their brass
section makes me want to melt. The complexity is important and modern musicians
never get it. Rihanna doesn’t recognize real instruments can make a song go
from Sexy and I Know It to Saturday in the Park. I feel it necessary to mouth
the lyrics and rock out to my music. I dance in public and love doing it.
Next period, I
walked to my all female Witchcraft III class. These girls were the types to
hurt me. Today they were all so out of it (hangovers or currently drunk) they
only insulted Mrs. Hubbard, who survived the Salem witch trials. Teaching these
girls the shape shifter spell was harder. She had said “Shift my shape if you
should/ I would like to turn…” She wasn’t getting through to them.
Mrs. Hubble was
older than the hills, but the three hundred years had been kind to her. Witches
and wizards live as long as they are not murdered or they commit suicide. Death
by disease is nonexistent for a wizard or witch. Her face was wrinkled in a
smile and it was because she loved teaching so much. She had long gray hair.
Her glasses perched on her nose. She was honestly a sweet grandmotherly figure.
I could never understand how she could get treated the way she did.
So she asked the
class “Change me into something.”
Some idiot yelled
“Shift my shape if you should/ I would like to turn my teacher into a pile of
So, poor Mrs.
Hubble turned into a pile of lumber and the class burst into laughter.
Before I turned Mrs.
Hubble back, I yelled “Shift my shape if you should / I would like to turn my
classmates good!” Everyone suddenly behaved. The room became silent and
everyone was good.
I undid the spell
by saying, “Shape the shift back to its original shape/ Turn my teacher to the
magic evolutionary descendant of an ape.”
Mrs. Hubble
returned to her witch being. Her hair was a little frizzed. “Thank you,
Charlotte, A+. I was seeing Mother Mary for the fourth time today. Never use
this spell to turn into inanimate objects! This is the virtue shape shifter. Charlotte,
you displayed a perfect method of using this spell.”
The class behaved
for the rest of the year. I got my A, helped out my favorite teacher and
possibly saw the guy of my dreams and it was only fourth period.
I never name stories until I am completely done with them and since I have two stories, instead of referring to them as new story and old story, we will address them by the main two characters, Charlotte and Dmitry or Carson and Lucy are my two. You will be able to meet with Charlotte in Charlotte and Dmitry tonight or whenever you get to read the first page. Dmitry is mentioned, but you don't know who he is until chapter 2 (yes that is my basic outline).
<3 HRT
<3 HRT
Monday, September 24, 2012
New idea
Okay, I will show you another story sometime this week. It is a lot easier to explain. It is about a witch named Charlotte who falls in love slowly (for me) with a wizard named Dmitry. The two of them, along with her very gay brother Valentin (Va-len-tin is the given pronunciation) will go on a quest together.
I am still figuring out the deets, just remember to tell me if you love the one currently posted. You can go on vote Facebook, follow Hannah Thompson on Twitter (you won't get anything but if that doesn't stop you, go ahead), and you can always say something in comments. I like comments. I will say when the new story is up.
<3 HRT
I am still figuring out the deets, just remember to tell me if you love the one currently posted. You can go on vote Facebook, follow Hannah Thompson on Twitter (you won't get anything but if that doesn't stop you, go ahead), and you can always say something in comments. I like comments. I will say when the new story is up.
<3 HRT
Thursday, September 20, 2012
I have changed up chapter 2 just to clarify, The Leader picks Carson to lead the revolution because The Leader doesn't have the guts. If you find any problems, PLEASE notify me in comments or in person or in email ( I cannot stress that enough, especially with this story, one can easily get confused.
<3 HRT
<3 HRT
Monday, September 17, 2012
Chapter 4 Warnings
There is a lot happening in this chapter. Keep track of everything. I combined two chapters into this one. Lots of stuff that ended up happening in Chapter 2 (mainly the Leader acting like a dad and liking Carson) happened in Chapter 4 originally. I also cut a character who would have been introduced. Kat (no reference to my friend Kat) would have been Carson and Colton's sister, but she was enough of a severe third wheel, I could just cut her and have no problems. Two unimportant characters are introduced. The other three remember.
Char is pronounced with a sh not a ch. Daltrey is a name I stole from the Who, it is Roger Daltrey's last name. It only ties in with the shirt he picks and his inevitable love of the band. Yes, they are my gay couple, they are stronger than Klaine.
Yes, Austin, Lucy's little brother's name comes out to be Austin Powers. If anyone says his name, his middle name will clarify.
<3 HRT
Char is pronounced with a sh not a ch. Daltrey is a name I stole from the Who, it is Roger Daltrey's last name. It only ties in with the shirt he picks and his inevitable love of the band. Yes, they are my gay couple, they are stronger than Klaine.
Yes, Austin, Lucy's little brother's name comes out to be Austin Powers. If anyone says his name, his middle name will clarify.
<3 HRT
Chapter 4
I dreamt of her, Lucy was in the sky; I was beside her, on a cloud. She had sparkly eyes and sparkly make-up. She wore a silver dress covered in glitter. Even her golden hair had glitter sparkled in it. She looked like a star. I had a white button down shirt, a red vest and khaki pants. I also had many leather bags. I looked like an adventurer. She looked beautiful. I kissed her. No words were said, though our lips moved. I took out a ring box, that she opened, and saw a small diamond ring. She nodded and kissed me.
Some idiot woke me up. That idiot was my father. “I need to tell you something important.”
“Is it more important than me proposing to my girlfriend, in my dream?”
“Aw! Well, I have a couple days to live.”
“That is why you were being nice to me.” I concluded.
The Leader defended “No, I want you to beat out Colton. You two are going to have an all out war.”
“How are you going?” I asked
“Ouch, I really wish I could have known you better.”
“Carson, I have to let you know, you must be a rebel and reformer. The people will choose, and you are the side of change.” The Leader told me.
“Okay. Anyone else I should be fighting against?”
“No. I am going to my room.”
“I am going back to sleep.” I responded. It was like 2:00.
Later, Colton, of all people was nudging me at about six to wake up.
He led me to Dad’s room, where he was laying on the bed, looking very weak. “You both are wondering who gets the inheritance. It goes to whoever can make the other step aside willfully. Whoever gives up last will inherit everything I have. You can either do it peacefully or do a fight to the death. Either way I am happy.”
I asked Colton “Can we start peacefully?”
“Sure.” He responded.
I wrote up a quick not war treaty. “The signed will engage in peaceful war. The signed will not allowed to use firearms, blades, poisons, weapons or bombs, military equipment and anything else in which one could get hurt. Physical fighting is not allowed. One must sign this document with their first name in blood to be held to these rules.”
Colton pricked his finger and wrote his name. Afterwards, he got a Band-Aid. I wrote my first name beside his, in blood. It had to be in blood, so that if a historian asked, blood was shed.
The Leader left the world soon after that.
Colton was crying like a baby. I didn’t feel too bad. “Get yourself together then we have to do a debate.”
I stood in front of the camera “The Leader died today. His funeral will be tomorrow. I never knew him well, so I don’t feel as sad. I will probably sing tomorrow, since I knew he loved it. We are supposed to let you pick your new leader. I want to let you all know if you want to continue in the Leader’s path that he had set when he died, do not come to my side. I am the rebel, as instructed by the Leader. I am supposed to change things. He picked the right person. I would appreciate your support. Signing off, Carson Anderson.”
Lucy stood behind the camera. Tears were in her eyes. “How are you not bawling right now?” She came next to me.
“Other than the Leader died is there any news worth crying about?” I asked.
Lucy asked, “How are you not crying about your father dying?”
“Why are you crying?” I asked.
“I am apparently crying for you.” She responded.
I took her away from the cameras. I took her to the attic. I erupted into a volcano of tears. Lucy just held onto me. She knew what worked.
Lucy whispered to me “I love you.”
I dried my eyes “What?” I asked.
“I love you.” She repeated.
“I love you too.” I responded.
Lucy asked, “Are you sure?”
“Positive. It is the only thing I am positive of.” I replied.
Lucy smiled. “Good.” She kissed me.
A dusty attic became the most romantic place in the entire world in an instant. If I ever had a doubt about her being the girl of my dreams, it was erased. She didn’t give me my first kiss; Alice Adams gave me my first kiss in first grade. Lucy gave me the best kiss of my life to that point.
I gazed into her blue eyes. “I truly love you.”
Lucy nodded, slowly. “I love you too.”
I took her hand slowly. “Will you always be there for me?”
“Of course!” She exclaimed.
I held her. Colton came in on the best hug ever. “Carson, come outside, we need everyone to chose.” He said.
I walked down with him and Lucy.
Lucy and I held hands. I walked out to a swamped area.
The people demanded pictures of us or answers of us or other stuff. It was annoying. I yelled “Anyone who thinks they may like Colton, go to the right! Anyone else, come to the left.”
I got on a higher rock, so they could all see me. Lucy stood by me. I kissed her.
“If you didn’t like that, leave.” I responded. About twenty people moved to the other side. “If you don’t like feet, chanting or gay people, I don’t want to listen to you complain.”
Forty people left, leaving me with ten. They were going to be my ten. “Okay, so now you all will pick out your outfits, and then we will meet up here. Boys come with me, girls go with Lucy.”
There were five males in my group. I got to figure out who they were as they came out of the bathroom stalls.
The first guy who came out wore a pair of skintight yellow pants, really tall boots and a sky blue tee shirt with a white and yellow checked scarf. His brown hair was gelled in a slicked back then to the side thing. He had blue eyes. “Oh these pants hug me so well!” He gawked.
“What is your name?”
“Oh, I’m Char, with a sh, not a ch. It is short for Charles, but that name is too mainstream.” Char responded.
“Did you come up with your nickname?” I asked.
“Oh of course! I was so sick of being called Charlie all the time. It drove me nuts! So, I decided to change it to Char.” Char responded.
Another guy came out, he woe a Who shirt, a leather jacket and black skinny jeans. He discretely walked over to Char and held his hand.
“This is Daltrey Dawson, my boyfriend. I am totally going to steal his last name when gay marriage is legal.” Char explained.
Daltrey smiled at Char. Daltrey almost sent him a telepathic message. He was not big on PDA from my standpoint.
A kid who was about fourteen came out with a hoodie on. His shirt had an ironically placed
sign on his shirt. He wore jeans, regular fitting jeans. He looked at me through thick, black, plastic glasses.

“I am Austin, Lucy’s brother. I just came because the other guy sounded wrong.” He told me.
“That’s cool.” I responded. “You’re welcome here. I just truly love your sister, and you needed to know that.”
“That is fine.” Austin replied.
I will be honest; the other two were completely unimportant. One was Apollo who was an amazingly hot man and John, who just was filler.
We were teenagers, all teenagers. Nobody else would be so radical. We were ready to fight a war.
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